Sales & Marketing

Grow faster, by freeing your sales & marketing team to focus on what they do best. Outsource repetitive tasks to the experts at Peak Support. Ready to see your ARR go up and your CAC go down?

Scale your sales and marketing efforts

Growing businesses move fast. We’ll help you grow faster by building unmatched sales and marketing operations. The right team and systems can have a massive increase on your ability to drive revenue and market share.

Our Sales & Marketing Services

At Peak Support, our sales and marketing support services can help businesses manage their time and resources. Let our experts help with your daily sales and marketing duties. Agents come to Peak Support with an average of eight years of experience, so we can make an impact from Day One.

When you partner with us as your outsourcing company for sales and marketing support, you gain access to services including:

Our agents can support your sales team through their campaigns and operations. Whether you need inbound or outbound sales support, our sales operations support agents have the training and expertise to drive efficiency and productivity as part of a strategic sales process.

Let us handle your lead generation needs. Our lead generation services involve building lists of potential customers and following your preferences for detail and organization. We can also pre-screen leads for your sales team by contacting them via email or phone.

We will gather more data about the prospects to predict if they are likely to become customers and whether they are perfect matches for your services or products based on the analyses we complete. With our lead qualification services, you can understand your target market more effectively while your sales team focuses on other tasks.

If your company works with influencers to promote products and services, our team can provide influencer and affiliate marketing support services. Turn to us to identify, recruit and onboard influencers to promote your brand. We can also communicate campaign ideas and build relationships between your company and the influencers.

Creating exciting graphics is integral for sales teams to attract new customers and retain loyal ones. When your sales team needs help creating graphics, our agents can help. We have agents with creative backgrounds who can bring your designs to life.

Let your sales team focus on their primary duties instead of spending time on administrative tasks by entrusting Peak Support with all your back-office needs. Our agents are professionals in completing back-office tasks like data entry, billing and invoice reviews, customer onboarding and research.

Why Us?

Clients choose us when they care about:

Your needs are complex; we provide the support you need to succeed. Our CEO will pick up the phone when you call. Our Client Services team is dedicated to your success. And we have industry-leading support teams like QA and WFM. Peak Support’s agents get support, too; our team leads manage only 10 people each.

We’re the most flexible business process outsourcer (BPO). We’re here to help when you need it, even for unusual requests, from specialized roles to high levels of client involvement. We guarantee you’ll find us easier to work with than any company you’ve ever encountered.

We have the best company culture in the industry and the highest Glassdoor rating of any BPO, with a 96% CEO approval rating. That means we get the best, most experienced agents for your account. And they’re happy to come to work each day, which directly translates into service quality.

We only hire 1 in every 30 applicants, because we’re an employer of choice. Our agents come to us with an average of 8 years of experience – compared with 1 to 3 years at most BPOs. Combine that with our world-class QA program, and you get the highest quality customer service on the planet.

Our clients say we're the most data-driven BPO in the market. Our live client dashboards and custom workforce management solutions allow you to sleep at night knowing your queue is under control and your players are receiving exceptional support. Take the guesswork out of managing a player support team and rest easy knowing you're in great hands.

Don’t take it from us.

See what our employees and clients have to say.


Other Services

Customer Service

From a standalone support team to a flexible supplement to your existing team, you can have an outsourced team of expert support agents within weeks.

Technical Support

SaaS or tech company with a deeply technical product? Our agents bring a variety of technical skills — whatever you need — and years of experience solving complex customer problems.

Trust & Safety

We keep online communities safe. Whether you need content moderation or fraud detection and prevention, you can trust the experts at Peak Support.

Back-Office Services

Our expert team members will take responsibility for all your time-consuming and repetitive tasks. We’ll get ‘em done, and we’ll find ways to make the process even smoother, Guaranteed.

Accounting Services

Invoicing and accounts receivable literally pay the bills. Outsourcing these critical and repetitive tasks is the most cost-effective way to improve your bottom line.

Tech & AI Solutions

Our team of expert professionals can help you plan, deploy and manage the latest technology and AI solutions, so you can focus on running your business.

Ready to chat with us?

Business growth is impossible without an effective sales and marketing engine. With our simple pricing model and flexible services, our outsourced sales operations teams have helped dozens of companies drive meaningful revenue growth. Let’s chat about how outsourcing your sales and marketing operations can unlock new opportunities for your business.