Peak Support Agent Q&A: Mark Pabriaga

Mark, or Marky as he’s most commonly referred to by his friends and coworkers, is a fun-loving and very supportive team lead. Mark has been with Peak Support for almost three years now. Marky lives in the beautiful Queen City of South in the Philippines, Cebu. If he’s not hanging out with his friends during the weekend, you’ll usually find him relaxing at the beach. Marky is also into traveling and watching concerts. Learn more about Marky in this latest installment of the Peak Support Agent Q&A. See also our previous Agent Q&As with Iar Indus and Mimi Abelarde. What’s your pet peeve? When people misuse the words they’re, their, and there in sentences. What are your fondest memories from one of your travels? Being alone on the beach and watching the sun set. Where do you see yourself five years from now? I would still be living in Cebu. Cebu is home and like the popular saying goes: “Home is where the heart is.” What’s the best thing about living in the Philippines? Definitely the beaches. What do you miss the most about your childhood? I miss waking up early on weekends and to watch cartoons with my brothers. […]

Peak Support Q&A: Iar Indus

Iar is a statuesque beauty who joined the ever-growing Peak Support family in March of 2017. Iar lives in a town in the southern part of the Philippines where she enjoys spending her days off from work catching up with friends. Let’s get to know Iar better in the second installment of the Peak Support Agent Q&A. See also our other Agent Q&As with Mimi Abelarde and Mark Pabriaga. Please introduce yourself! Hi! I’m Iar! I’m the friendliest looking girl in town. Making friends is one of the best things in the world because I always want to promote world peace. Life is simple so let’s not put too much stress on ourselves, smile always, and let’s make this world a better place to live in. What is your secret talent? It’s a secret! Lol. What’s the one place in the world that you’d love to go to and why? Maldives, because it’s a beautiful island where I can relax and enjoy. Which cartoon character are you? Wonder Woman. Describe your hometown in one word. Friendly. What’s most important in a relationship? Trust. Earlier this year, you went off to spend a few months in a beautiful European country. Why did […]

Peak Support Q&A: Mimi Abelarde

Leri Mae Abelarde, also known as Mimi, is a loving wife and a devoted mother to two wonderful boys. She was one of Peak Support’s first agents, starting her career here in July of 2015. At Peak Support, she has held a wide variety of roles, including photo curation, copywriting, and research. Let’s get to know more about Mimi in our first Peak Support Agent Q&A! See also our previous Agent Q&As with Iar Indus and Mark Pabriaga. Please introduce yourself! My name is Mimi. I am only one, but I am one. I have two superpowers: I have the ability to super clean the house when someone calls and says that they’ll be dropping over in five minutes. I can drive here and there and everywhere and back to here and there and everywhere again. And again. And again. Three words I live by – Goal, Grit and Grace. Four favorite F words: Family, Faith, Friday, and Food. What’s the best thing about motherhood? Being called “mom!!!!” a hundred times a day, watching cartoons over and over again, getting free foot massages from stepping on lego blocks, 5-minute showers, eating leftovers, being a referee in a wrestling match, and learning […]