Peak Support's Leadership Training Program
A complete curriculum from the experts at training customer support leaders
Leadership development is critical on customer support teams. Yet, it’s often ignored.
Since Peak Support was founded in 2015, we’ve developed and trained hundreds of new leaders to take on supervisor, manager, and director roles. Many of these leaders had no prior leadership experience
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We’re experts in training leaders in the customer support environment.
About Peak Support’s leadership training program
Peak Support developed its own internal leadership training program in 2017, after
determining that no external programs fit the specific needs of our culture, and of the
contact center environment. Our leadership training was developed by our internal
training leaders; our senior leadership team; and external consultants who are experts
in adult learning.
We have enhanced, adapted, and added to the program over time, based on
learners’ feedback and our own experience.
Here’s a snapshot of the curriculum:
Day 1 – Leadership
Day 2 – Management

Why leadership training is important
In a recent survey, 64% of CEOs cited developing the next
generation of leaders as their biggest challenge.
And leadership training works. The myth of the charismatic CEO
who is born with innate leadership skills is just that: a myth.
Leadership can be taught. (See sources here, here and here.)
Download our Leadership Training curriculum today.
What leadership training can do
Leadership training can't solve all your problems. If
your culture is broken, your org structure is unclear,
your leadership team is dysfunctional – training
won’t help.
But leadership training can empower your leaders
– from front-line supervisors to experienced
managers. It can improve your teams’
performance. It can reduce your managers’ stress
by providing them with practical tools to solve the
challenges they face every day.
Are you ready to train your next generation of leaders?